• How to get started

    Email or Call
    Reach out in whatever form you prefer. Dr. Friedman or her office coordinator, Kerri Mahoney will let you know if there are any openings and if your challenges are a good fit for Dr. Friedman’s scope of practice. There is often a waitlist, which you can choose to be added to.

    (805) 588-0592

    30-minute consultation
    We can schedule a 30 minute consultation before we get started in order to get questions answered, to make sure that SLO CBT Center is the most appropriate fit, and or if there are more complex challenges that require additional time. A 30-minute consultation is not necessary to begin treatment.

  • Evidence-based treatment consists of therapies that have been shown to be effective and are backed by scientific research. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Exposure Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy are all key parts of Dr. Friedman’s practice. Not all problems yield themselves to the same solution, so every patient’s particular set of challenges will guide the approach taken and the skills fostered.

    In evidence-based practice, the clinician, the client, and if appropriate the parents work together. Dr. Friedman and her associates will share with you an outline of the potential treatment plan, what information was used to create it, and what research there is to support the approach. You will then work jointly to confirm which strategies are working to achieve the goal, which are not, and reevaluate the plan together as you go along. 

  • Anxiety Disorder and Challenges

    Separation Anxiety
    Specific Phobia
    Social Anxiety
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Panic Disorder
    Selective Mutism
    Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting)
    Illness Anxiety Disorder (Health Anxiety)
    Difficulty making decisions
    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

    Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    Body Dysmorphic Disorder
    Other Repetitive and Ritualistic behaviors

    Parent Training

    Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE)
    Parent Management Training
    Parent Interventions for School Refusal

    Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs)

    Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling)
    Skin Picking
    Tic Disorders

    Other Challenges treated

    Conversion Disorder
    Life and transitional stress

  • What are the fees for treatment
    Please contact the office for information about the fee schedule for Dr. Friedman and her associates.

    Is Insurance Accepted?
    Dr. Friedman is not in-network for any insurance. If you would like to get out-of-network reimbursement, Dr. Friedman is happy to provide “super bills” that include all the necessary information to submit for reimbursement.

    What should I ask my Insurance provider about out of network benefits?
    You should inquire into what percentage of the treatment fee can be reimbursed, and up to what dollar amount per session.

    You may need to inform them of the CPT code that will be used by them to give you accurate information. For a 55-minute therapy session, 90837 is the primary code used & 90791 for the initial consultation.

    Also ask: Is there a limit on the number of visits I can have?

    We do not accept Medicare.  If you are currently enrolled in Medicare and wish to be seen by SLO CBT, I can enter into a private contract in which you will be charged regular fees. I can provide you with a copy of the opt-out affidavit upon request.